Thursday, June 23, 2011

TBR List of DOOM

I noticed yesterday that my To Be Read list is growing terribly long. Not only do I have library books all over my room, there are so many new releases coming out this year that I can't even stand it.

Some books I'm looking forward to the most are FOREVER and THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Stiefvater, LOLA AND THE BOY NEXT DOOR by Stephanie Perkins, and SHATTER ME by Tahereh Mafi.

What is on your TBR list? And, for those of you still in school like me, how do you plan to deal with homework when all of these exciting books are going to be getting in the way??


  1. I have to say that my TBR list is as long as... probably going around the world SEVERAL times. I'll be borrowing a large chunk of them from the library, and buying the ones that I'm most likely to reread. XD

  2. I don't even want to think about it... There are 316 books on my TBR shelf on goodreads. I got eight library books yesterday. There are 20 books on my shelf that I need to read or reread at some point.

    I'm obviously going to be finding time to read this fall. Among finding time for Doctor Who. ;)

  3. My crit-partner has been ranting about how amazing The Scorpio Races is for WEEKS! I'm planning to read it as soon as I finish Rebecca (took a break for a classic...)... But I totally have a copy to give away soon *coughcough* :D
